Much ado about…something!

So its Monday again and while I usually feel GDIM (God da*n it’s Monday). Today isn’t so bad, maybe because the weather outside is gorgeous~~

So this past week 4/04-4/10 I did a LOT of stuff. Unfortunately I have misplaced my digital camera somewhere in my luggage and so I can only take pictures with my cell phone. But I also can’t find the usb connector…I’ll have to upload my pics someday, somehow, someway..hehe.

So what did I do exactlY? I ate A LOT of food, and also DRANK a lot too. I basically went to the ‘famous’ food joints in my town and had some of the local specialty cuisine. To give yall a taste (pardon the pun) of what I had I’ll describe what exactly I ate. Somethings MAY disturb you haha.

So my town is known for 2 (read: TWO) distinct cultural dishes. The first is 닭갈비 (dahk galbi – aka chicken galbi (galbi is korean for marinated ribs). The delectable dish has a TON of ingredients. I don’t know what everything is in English and so I’ll let my pictures do the talking (sometime..haha). The second ‘must eat’ dish is 막국수 (mahk gooksoo – a noodle dish made with buckwheat noodles!) Don’t ask me what buckwheat is, I didn’t know it before I got here either…anyways it seems that every dish in Korea can also serve as 안주 (ahn ju – snack; munchies; appetizer served with alcoholic beverages!) I may have mentioned before that alcohol is ‘relatively’ cheaper here in Korea. The ‘citizens’ drink of choice is 소주 (soju) a distilled rice spirit (I call it vodka’s evil little cousin). This stuff in the local marts (or groceries) cost 1000 won! (that’s less than a dollar, and also cheaper than water here!) Anyways, in my opinion chicken and beer go well together (must be a global thing~) Soju is not my friend…by any means kk.

So I tried the ‘local specialties’ I also moved on to try ‘korean specialties.’ Now please brace yourself, for you are about to be rocked, shocked, or won’t even budge. I have eaten 돼지막창!!! Ok, there I got it out of my system. I hope everyone is alright. Wait, you don’t know what 막창 is?? Oh forgive me~living in Korea for over a year has made me just assume everything and pretend to know a lot of things. 막창 (mahk chang – is transliterated as small intestine by my good friend Naver) It comes in 2 flavors, cow or pig. Cow is more expensive (and I assume more delicious?) but I had the pig flavor and it wasn’t too bad…I just saw it as gogi (meat) and chowed down, served as anju for my ‘alcoholic beverage’ (that which will not be named). The taste was…different to say the least. Super duper chewy, even if is roasted. When raw it looks…I cannot put to words for fear that the memory will shock me. Anyways I tried it and so nobody can say I ‘chickened’ out on it…

Well, that’s all for today folks. Stay tuned for the next exciting (or not so) episode of Tigerjh’s adventure…

(I’m writing this at school because I am just THAT good hahaha)


and for those of you who read this far. here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure! (or horror *evil chuckle*)










This be mahk chang…yummy?

One comment

  1. Thanks a lot, buddy. You just made me regurgitate my meal from a couple hours ago, and what I found myself staring at on top of my keyboard was still more appealing than that obscenity you have pictured!

    But, the weather is nice, so I’ll let this mild inconvenience slide this time.

    By the way, ever tried the chicken flavor? Chicken and beer go together, right? What a brilliant idea, even if I should say so, myself.

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