At work

1300 days

I can’t believe I’ve been here this long..

It was relatively easy for me to leave the states. Unfortunately it’s not that easy to go back.

I won’t go into too many details here but..these days I feel like a Robot. Everyday doing monotonous work, going through the motions, punch in..punch out~Eat.Sleep.Repeat

I don’t know the answer to my questions. Hell I don’t even know what question to begin with!

My body is breaking down. Slowly but surely.

Living in Gangnam is not all that it’s cracked up to be. (Or maybe I just need some crack? Lol)

In reference to the Bible..Gangnam could be Sodom (but on a much larger scale). I’m a sinner..winner of a chicken dinner. (With some beer on the side~)

Control. Discipline. Positive thinking. The sun will rise tomorrow

I can do it
Strength !!


Oppa Gangnam style~

Hello world it’s been awhile.

I’m sure you know what my title is talking about. That totally fantabulous song by the Korean rapper PSY! I won’t go into it too much but I just wanted to share that I live in Gangnam now. Social commentary on Korea aside, Gangnam is pretty nice to live some respects. The fact that so much of the country’s top businesses are here means that it’s not the cleanest place to live. However, where there’s money, there are tons of hot girls! (and hot girls are always a sight for sore eyes) That being said, it’s unfortunate (?) that although there are many hot girls they all sort of look alike. Maybe this is due to the fact that Gangnam has the most plastic surgery clinics all centrally located.

This leads me to my topic of finally getting a full time job after several months of either being jobless or working part time (mostly the former). My full time job is conveniently at a plastic surgery clinic! Ha ha hah..what a twist eh? Now, the position I am working is a part of the “Global Business” team and I am the ‘English expert.’ I am in the office for at least 10 hours a day with a 1 hour lunch break. However, even though this is my first ‘real job’ working for corporate Korea is not easy. Long hours with no overtime pay and even worse I hardly get any vacation, I even work Saturdays! I will not give up though. This job will give me good experience and help me grow and learn more about Korean culture as well as Advertising/Marketing/Business related stuff. I see it as this way. I am thankful for the opportunity and even though the pay is pretty weak, I work for a plastic surgery clinic! If I work hard and get recognition here maybe I will get a nice pay boost.

I am thankful for many things and count my blessings everyday. Living in Gangnam definitely has its perk including 24-hour everything! (almost) I can get food delivered 24/7, even call something of a ‘maid service’ to clean my house or an ‘errand boy’ to get me medicine when I am sick. No wonder living here costs so damn much because of the convenience especially the transportation! I have access to 4 different subway lines, 2 are between 5-15 minutes away and 2 are between 15-20 minutes walking distance. I did not even mention the huge amount of buses I can take to almost anywhere within Seoul and surrounding suburbs. Anyways, I can legitimately tell a younger woman I encounter and say “Oppa Gangnam style” because I live in Gangnam hehe..

Unfortunately, ‘Gangnam style’ has been way too overplayed. Props to PSY for making such an addictive and hilarious song/music video. I’ll end with a picture. I thought it was effing hilarious!

Batman the badass!
Poor Robin 😛

O genki desu ka~

Hello dear readers (I know you’re out there!..somewhere~)

It’s already the end of November and suffice it to say that I haven’t done much. Either that or I’ve done things that can’t be shared with the interworld aka you guys 😉

I’m doing pretty well. Thanksgiving passed without much incident (well, they don’t really celebrate it here in Korea so…)I just got me some chicken ‘burger’ from McDonalds and had a few drinks with a friend (my friend didn’t drink b/c he’s a sensible driver!) Oh I’d like to mention 11.11.11 aka Pepero Day aka ‘once in a millenium day!’

That is all..there I mentioned it, hah hah

I got back into going to the gym again, it’s become a part of my weekly, and weekDAY schedule. My goal as mentioned previous is just to ‘lose fat’ and so yeah, hopefully becoming stronger, healthier, more lean will be a nice side effect 🙂 On a related note: I feel like I go to sleep much better and sleep more soundly after I work out. This good feeling is kind of addicting! hehe

I’ve been growing out my mustache this month of Movember, now that November is coming to an end, I will go back to being clean-shaved. I’ll share the pics right before I shave (which isn’t gonna be today) so yall will just have to wait!

My birthday is coming up soon, I’m mentioning this now because I may or may not write about what I do on my birthday (aka maybe more top-secret, ninja stuff will go down~) I’m sure my birthday will also pass without incident, although I may/possibly/get drunk? 😀

That’s all for now~thanks for reading!

I love sweat.

“I love sweat”
No I’m not being serious but this is a serious marketing slogan of a certain product here in Korea. I never knew about this product before coming here and because of the name (and marketing slogan) I avoided it somewhat. However! This stuff is pretty good, it’s called Pocari Sweat and it looks like this

I love sweat

Those clever (insidious?) guys over in Japan came up with this sweaty concoction. It’s basically the equivalent of Gatorade except it looks like sweat. That being said, the taste is…interesting. It kind of tastes like sweat! Hahaha~Nevertheless I sometimes pick some of this stuff up after working out because what better way to replace my hard earned sweat…with some Pocari Sweat!! Jokes aside, I like(?) this drink because it tastes less sweet than other ‘sports drinks’ That and because I’m tired of drinking the one flavor of Gatorade/Powerade that they have here…(Seriously, only Lemon-Lime Gatorade and Mountain Blast Powerade!? WTF)

Now why am I touching on this ‘sweaty’ topic? Because it’s damn HOT and I could sure use some right now! hahaha

I’m going to go drink some as soon as I get home…like a drug addict craving his fix, I need my Pocari Sweat!!!

*More random nonsense* (some of these are from more songs I like)
– Time is a healer, FreeTempo, Daishi Dance
– Love Shines Through, Break my Fall, Love comes Again
– Learn from your mistakes.
– What goes around comes around (take THAT LeBron James!)
– The mind is a powerful thing to waste. (Mind over matter)
– It’s all in your head (or MY head)
– Suburban Train

And in closing here are some celebratory pics of the new 2011 NBA Champions my hometown Dallas Mavericks!!!

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Memorial Day and beyond

So I only slept 2 hours(or less) last night and so I’m a bit woozy in the head…Hungover plus being exhausted is definitely a BAD way to start the day haha.

Fortunately for me there are many ways to ‘get over’ a hangover. First and foremost is drinking plenty of fluids but apparently Koreans have taken it a step further with ‘hangover drinks.’ Fortunately I didn’t need to use one of these on this particular occasion heh heh.

Memorial Day weekend is coming up in Korea and I lucked out in that my last two classes were CANCELLED (yay!). *on a side note: the Dallas Mavericks are all square in the NBA finals (yay again.)

Now I’ve got Korean blood in my veins and so I would like to take a moment to remember the Korean War. (one..and..two..and done 😉

I don’t have anything in particular planned this weekend but I’m sure alcohol will be involved. Because everyone knows that to celebrate ‘our’ great veterans we need to drink moderately (ha!)

It’s funny how the human body can adapt to almost any situation…In my case, working on 2 hours of sleep. While it was damn awful getting up this morning, by the time I had some lunch my day has cleared up for the better!

It’s getting hot these days again. The circle of life continues…like perpetual motion.

More nonsense as follows:

Hindsight is 20-20.
Alcohol in moderation is GOOD!
Being single is…
My haircut is a bit too short.
I’m handsome.
I tend to underestimate myself to stay humble but actually I do it far too often.
Thinking outside the box…
Learn from your mistakes
Rhythm is a dancer
ATB is probably my newest favorite old DJ
I like to chill…a bit too much. Gonna have to work on that one *wink 😉
Two negatives make a positive and vice versa!?
You’re not alone (as in aliens are REAL haha just kidding…or am I?)_

Thanks for reading.

everything’s gonna be alright.

Rainy today…

Most of the time I don’t care for rainy days, that is to say that I don’t like them one bit. However, today I’m feeling a bit sentimental if you will and it’s not a bad feeling at all. It’s the kind of rain that could be described as a drizzle or even something more insignificant. This rain will probably last all day long and while it certainly puts a damper on my mood, I guess I appreciate the cool temperature that will surely come ‘after the rain.’ (ameagari)

Anyways, rain is a necessary part of nature. (although it can be quite messy, and I don’t like messes heh heh)

I’ll end with some random gibberish that may make sense, if you are as ‘enlightened’ as I am. (or even if you’re not and you don’t get what I’m saying it’s quite alright)

Time heals…
It’s all in your head (Mind over matter)
Music is wonderful (although I prefer some ‘weird’ stuff)
Mainstream is downstream…
Girls are complex (and confusing as $#@!)
Life…is living
Coffee really works (or maybe it’s just in my head)

The one thing I regret…
Don’t repeat the same mistakes.
Forgive but don’t forget.
Two birds with one stone (this is freaking global!)

With age comes wisdom…sometimes 🙂
Stress is the biggest piece of locomotion EVER
Come what may…
the Future is not predetermined.

Peace and take care..

Multiple occurences

So I have been told on several occasions that I slightly resemble the late Korean actor and celebrity Park Yong Ha.

Now I’m sure it may be that the people around me are just ‘being nice.’ However, both guys and girls think the same thing. So here is another look at the Korean celebrity I resemble.

I’m quite flattered by these comments. I think he’s a good looking guy and he was quite successful too!

I hope I can be successful like him.

I looked up his profile and it seems our builds are similar too, except I’m like 10 kilos heavier than he is 😦

Guess I gotta ways to go if I wanna look like this..


That’s all for today.

Later World…

Much ado about…something!

So its Monday again and while I usually feel GDIM (God da*n it’s Monday). Today isn’t so bad, maybe because the weather outside is gorgeous~~

So this past week 4/04-4/10 I did a LOT of stuff. Unfortunately I have misplaced my digital camera somewhere in my luggage and so I can only take pictures with my cell phone. But I also can’t find the usb connector…I’ll have to upload my pics someday, somehow, someway..hehe.

So what did I do exactlY? I ate A LOT of food, and also DRANK a lot too. I basically went to the ‘famous’ food joints in my town and had some of the local specialty cuisine. To give yall a taste (pardon the pun) of what I had I’ll describe what exactly I ate. Somethings MAY disturb you haha.

So my town is known for 2 (read: TWO) distinct cultural dishes. The first is 닭갈비 (dahk galbi – aka chicken galbi (galbi is korean for marinated ribs). The delectable dish has a TON of ingredients. I don’t know what everything is in English and so I’ll let my pictures do the talking (sometime..haha). The second ‘must eat’ dish is 막국수 (mahk gooksoo – a noodle dish made with buckwheat noodles!) Don’t ask me what buckwheat is, I didn’t know it before I got here either…anyways it seems that every dish in Korea can also serve as 안주 (ahn ju – snack; munchies; appetizer served with alcoholic beverages!) I may have mentioned before that alcohol is ‘relatively’ cheaper here in Korea. The ‘citizens’ drink of choice is 소주 (soju) a distilled rice spirit (I call it vodka’s evil little cousin). This stuff in the local marts (or groceries) cost 1000 won! (that’s less than a dollar, and also cheaper than water here!) Anyways, in my opinion chicken and beer go well together (must be a global thing~) Soju is not my friend…by any means kk.

So I tried the ‘local specialties’ I also moved on to try ‘korean specialties.’ Now please brace yourself, for you are about to be rocked, shocked, or won’t even budge. I have eaten 돼지막창!!! Ok, there I got it out of my system. I hope everyone is alright. Wait, you don’t know what 막창 is?? Oh forgive me~living in Korea for over a year has made me just assume everything and pretend to know a lot of things. 막창 (mahk chang – is transliterated as small intestine by my good friend Naver) It comes in 2 flavors, cow or pig. Cow is more expensive (and I assume more delicious?) but I had the pig flavor and it wasn’t too bad…I just saw it as gogi (meat) and chowed down, served as anju for my ‘alcoholic beverage’ (that which will not be named). The taste was…different to say the least. Super duper chewy, even if is roasted. When raw it looks…I cannot put to words for fear that the memory will shock me. Anyways I tried it and so nobody can say I ‘chickened’ out on it…

Well, that’s all for today folks. Stay tuned for the next exciting (or not so) episode of Tigerjh’s adventure…

(I’m writing this at school because I am just THAT good hahaha)


and for those of you who read this far. here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure! (or horror *evil chuckle*)










This be mahk chang…yummy?

2011 – a new year, a fresh start

Hello dear readers!
I’m sorry for the long overdue post. The end of 2010 was super busy for me and I’m finally settling into 2011~

First some updates on how I ended the year. I have finally become a smartphone user! It was a tough decision on what phone I would choose. Because this was my first smartphone, I wanted to get something that was both good and also durable. After much research my final two choices were between the iPhone 4 and the Galaxy S. Apple vs. Samsung, iOS vs. Android, Evil vs. Good (haha). You can probably tell which phone I thus selected. I don’t wanna bore you with the details of my painstakingly deliberate process but I’ll just run through a quick breakdown of things I considered. The two phones mentioned were VERY similar spec-wise. Both have fast processors, sufficient RAM, beautiful resolution screens, front and rear cameras, as well as other things. Even the hardware was a toss-up. Sure the more establish iOS was good and all but the growing popularity and usefulness of the Android OS could not be denied. As for size, the Galaxy S is a bit bigger due to the 4.0inch screen (compared to the iPhone 4’s 3.5inch) but it’s also lighter due to the materials it is constructed with. Considering brand names, I have always been a bit anti-Apple, don’t ask me why – I don’t know if you know but I refused to join the iPod ‘revolution’/bandwagon, instead opting to get an iRiver mp3 player (way back when the mp3 wars were going on). Although later on in my college life and subsequent ‘working out’ days the size and convenience of the iPod shuffle almost tempted me to get one. However, due to just pure dumb luck or laziness (probably the latter ha) I never bought another mp3 player besides the aforementioned iRiver. Anywho, suffice it to say I bought the Galaxy S~All other things considered, the fact that I wanted to stay (remain) in Korea for another year (or more?) contributed mightily to my purchase. While I hope this doesn’t happen to me but in case my phone experiences ‘technical difficulties’ it would be much EASIER to get it fixed (and soon) then if I were to get an iPhone (since it is imported). Price was a small factor (both phones if bought without a contract cost upwards of $800! – however the iPhone being an ‘import’ product is not generous in its monthly plan pricing either..) I also have an ‘aunt’ who helped me get the phone with a contract and her phone company was SK Telecom (which carried the Galaxy S). I’ve been using this phone for almost a month now and while not perfect, it certainly isn’t too shabby either! I’m a total smartphone noob though and so I need to ‘study’ and play with it to get the full functionality of my phone. I’m sure with much trial and error, I’ll be a great smartphone user soon! Here’s a pic of my prized possession (seriously it’s like the most expensive thing I’ve EVER owned hehe)

I really like the big screen and it fits in my hand quite nicely too!

(Unfortunately) the girls in the picture did not come with the phone (aw~) my phone is also the standard ‘metallic black’ color.

Speaking of girls, to my female friends I’m sorry to break the news to yall but I am no longer single. I’ve got a girlfriend now. (Way to start the new year, eh? ;))
Thus ended my 2010 – with a girlfriend and smartphone in hand I marched onward into 2011!
2011 greeted me quite coldly, this is my first time experiencing winter in Korea and it sure came with a vengeance! Coming from Texas, I was not used to snow. Whenever it snowed in Texas, it was a real treat and it usually vanished as soon as it came. However, in Korea the snow comes often and does not leave! Well, it’s more like the weather stays below freezing practically everyday…a ‘nice day’ in Korea is still between -6 and 0 degrees Celsius! Oh my effing goodness that’s CRAZY! Even when I bundle up in 3-4 layers of clothing, my hands and feet feel like blocks of ice whenever I step outside. It’s gotten to the point where I have invested in a ‘heating pad’ to help me sleep at night. (although now that I’ve got this thing I really enjoy it and my back certainly appreciates it :D) I really don’t like snow anymore, I miss being able to wear shorts outside at this time in Texas…
Regardless, I’m still trucking along, going to work Monday-Friday and traveling on the weekends. Now that I have a girlfriend, I usually meet her up and we spend time together on the weekends. It’s pretty sweet ^^
I don’t feel so depressed and negative about life anymore, things have started turning up and I will continue to stay positive about life and things~
Here’s one of my ‘secrets’ to staying positive – it’s quite simple really, and it’s…*drumroll please* drinking more milk! I was never into milk back in the states due to my being somewhat lactose-intolerant. However, I can drink a lot of milk in Korea and I digest it just fine! Also I was never a big fan of ‘flavored milk’ back home but now I have really grown quite attached to a particular brand of ‘flavored milk.’ Yes~I am now a huge fan of 바나나맛우유 (bah naa naa maht wooyoo – literally translated as Banana flavored milk)! Maybe it’s something in the banana flavor or the cleverly hexagonal container design or the tiny little straw you have to drink it out of but this stuff is GREAT! Apparently this milk is quite famous in Korea, meaning it’s been around for a while. Although the particular milk ‘brand’ that carries it doesn’t make good regular milk. they sure make good ‘flavored 우유!’ I could go on for another blog post about the joys of milk in Korea but I’ll leave that to another day~
Again, here’s ONE of my secrets to being positive and enjoying my time in Korea – 바나나맛 우유!

Korean Cultural News v.2

Here’s another segment of KCN. The month of December has been crazy for me. I am mentally and physically drained these days. I’d like to share some of the things I have learned (or had reaffirmed) up until now. Oh, also my birthday was a couple days ago so I’m a year older and that much wiser now…

1. Korean behavior (aka manners) is crazy. I don’t know how else to explain it. I guess stemming from the fact that Korean society was built on old Confucian principles makes sense, but still there are somethings that just irk my nerves. I could probably write an essay on Korean behavior and still not understand it. The whole “I will pay. No I will pay..” back and forth is pretty ridiculous and entertaining to watch. I like to ‘pick’ who will be the ‘winner’ and actually, it turns out NOBODYS a winner. For example, if one person pays for dinner then the ‘loser’ has to pay for the ‘next round’! Ridiculous, I know! I’ll just take it as ‘cultural difference’ and accept it because When in Rome… 

2. Soju is cheaper than bottled water. While this isn’t always true, soju is still super cheap. Bottles cost around 1100 won (<$1USD) in the market. Heck, they cost 3000 won in bars/etc which in my opinion isn’t too bad. You have one of those bottles for yourself and you are guaranteed to feel at least tipsy. Unless of course you’re Korean…aka can handle soju like WATER *shudders* I also find it EXTREMELY funny that everyone I am around (except for Koreans) always say “let’s not drink soju ever again” but then proceed to get wasted on soju the very next day/weekend. I guess the cost of soju is just too low and it far outweighs the shitty feeling you will undoubtedly have the next day.

3. Korean kids are so TALL these days. Seriously, some of these kids, whether its genetics or environment no one knows but what I do know is that they are FORCE FED milk by the Korean government! Milk is provided by the government at subsidized rates (sometimes free!) and kids are given milk each and every day. I’m at a middle school and I think 1st grade is when this milk madness begins. Anyways, I guess I’m jealous I wasn’t able to drink much milk growing up. That being said, milk in Korea tastes GOOD!! I usually drink “Seoul Milk” the Grade 1A milk (haha nice slogan) and it tastes real creamy and smooth. I would compare it to drinking fancy organic whole milk back in the states except its not organic in Korea (but the pricetag is about the same, since everything is in Litres here).

That’s a few things I’ve shared with you, I hope you enjoyed this ‘episode’ of Korean Cultural News. The following picture is my current fave Kpop Idol group, Sistar! These girls aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing but as a unit, they make each other look good and have fun while doing it!