
Winter cold

Hello blog it’s been awhile.I’m alive and well, just a bit cold these days. Winter is almost ending in Korea but it sure ain’t leaving quietly. Maybe it’s due to the Gangnam wind, but no matter what I wear it seems like the wind seeps into my bones. (pun intended)

I’ve been working for over 3 months now, I successfully passed by ‘probationary period’ and am now a Full time worker! Now that I am full time, I can take some days off without being necessarily sick (*cough hah cough). I keep telling myself this but I chose to work for my current company. I may whine and b!*ch sometimes, but I am a man and will live with my choices. (That’s my way of the…I mean life 🙂 ) Anyways, my teammates are cool! (for the most part) I highly respect my senior manager, she is AWESOME. Seriously though she has a huge heart even though she doesn’t express herself very well. I guess you could call her chic? (appears distant but is actually a very warm person)

The amount of time I have spent living in Gangnam coincides with my current job, give/take 1-2 months. When I used to commute to my University position down in the boonies, I only lived in Gangnam on the weekends. (Even then, I usually just partied and slept, oh wait I’m still doing that..hah) Work hard, play harder right? Kakaka…

I’m going to use you (my wonderfully lovely blog) to jot down some reminders. I may have mentioned this before, but writing in my blog is very therapeutic for me. It brings me inner peace so to speak 😀
– Life is short, gotta make the most of it
– Stay positive (the daily grind is tough..)
– Hard times make you appreciate the good ones
– Smile~
– Work, Play, Sleep, repeat (order can vary)
– Music is my thing
– Gangnam style (dress classy, dance crazy)
– Never forget
– Milk does a body good
– The mind is a powerful thing to waste (Use it or lose it!!)
– Breathe deep
– The journey is what’s important
– Keep going
– No regrets
– Look forward not back (on a related note? Spring forward, fall back)
– I look good~
– I’m awesome
– Laughter is the best medicine! MWAHAHAHAH 🙂 *^.^ 🙂

Hope all of yall enjoyed today’s episode in the life of YG

peace (V)

P.S. to those who know who/where my pics are from I will give a prize! ^^

Being productive


Hello blog it’s been awhile.

I recently discovered the joy of tethering my smartphone and using my ‘unlimited bandwidth.’ It’s not a perfect connection and it turns off/on randomly but so far so good! (as I am writing this post, I hope I don’t get cut off again..)

Anyways, today I would like to talk about being productive. I had a pretty productive day in my humble opinion. I recently started working again, it’s not the best job I could get but it’s a job nonetheless. I had some good talks with friends this weekend. (Actually I was mostly listening but it was ACTIVE listening haha) I’m very fortunate with the people I meet in Korea. I’d like to think that everyone has a good heart or maybe I am being naive but so be it! I come from a pretty privileged background. I certainly wasn’t spoiled I think..too much hah. I’m 25 going on 26 and I do believe there is something like a ‘quarter life crisis.’ That being said, I can sulk and be lazy on my ass and complain all the time. OR I can get off my ass and do something about it. Coming to Korea made me open my eyes to many things as well as experience many things. However, that is just a tiny step of many more that I know I should take. I thought I had matured somewhat in my time here in Korea but when I reflect deeply on myself..I’ve still got more to learn and mature. I guess that is what’s life is about. I can’t recall the exact quote but, “it’s not the end that is important but the journey (how you get there)” Process could also fill in for journey in that quote as well.

I’ve made some good friends in Korea, some natives some not. These guys all want me to succeed. Now it’s up to me to figure out what I want to do and make something of it! To be honest, I was told what to do growing up and I had certain expectations to fulfill. I thought graduating from college was the end but it turns out it was just the beginning. I’d like to consider my current situation as being independent. I came to this situation because I wanted to ‘run away’ at first. Sort of cast off my old life and start fresh over here. However, it turns out being ‘independent’ is much harder than it looks! No one is here to tell me what to do. I guess I miss that somewhat(?) Responsibility, expectations, pressure, etc were things I did not enjoy while living at home in Texas. I will admit that my biggest fault is being lazy. Even while attending UT, I procrastinated way too much. I think I am a chill guy and like to ‘go with the flow.’ Sometimes though, I get caught up in said flow and just drift along, like I used to when going to the “lazy river” water ride. Drifting along is all fine and well but it’s definitely not fulfilling my potential. I can only blame myself for making excuses not to do something.

I lack confidence.
(especially around girls)
I won’t make any excuses (nor apologize so damn much)

Girls will be in another blog post 🙂

Anyways, I had a productive day today. I went to work, had fun at work, then went to the gym afterwards. I get off sort of later than most (I also start working later than normal). I believe this is my first step of being productive. Now I just need to cut down on my ‘sleeping-in’ time (or go to sleep earlier..)

Good night yall!

2012 Reflections

I can’t believe it’s already 2012. I’m a year older and I think a year wiser (I hope!)
I stopped doing New Year’s Resolutions a while back so I won’t bother deciding things I can’t (or won’t) keep.
2011 flew by, literally. It seems the older we get, the faster time passes by. I’m halfway to 50 already Yikes!
I think I had a good 2011, didn’t repeat old mistakes, made new ones, but all in all nothing too bad~

Here’s to 2012! (a list)

  • Be a good person
  • Make lots of money (lots is relative I know 😉 )
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Get in shape (I’ve lost considerable weight since coming to Korea, now it’s time to make some muscles!)
  • Have a good time
  • Find my path in life (i.e. a career path or what the heck I’m gonna do from now on)
  • Love, Trust, Believe

That’s all I can think of currently. I’m beginning 2012 a bit different than I did 2011. Apparently 2012 is the year of the Dragon (to be specific ‘Gold Dragon’) I wonder what the Dragon has in store for me this year?

I need to get my job situation sorted out…

Happy 2012 World!

Cheers to my friends Joe and David for coming to visit me~I know it wasn’t easy…for all of us hahaha.

Best Birthday Weekend EVER!

It’s already December and ya know what that means?

*drumroll please*


*end drumroll*

Granted there are other people who also have December birthdays but this is my blog and so i’ll be a little self-centered here~

Anyways, I really think I have a knack for meeting and making good people and friends. Compared to my situation last year in ‘utmost boonieville’ the way I made friends isn’t all that much different. For example, I befriended good people at work (ie school) and at the gym. I guess it may be due to the fact that there’s a National University here that there are more people near my age range who I can get familiar with. Maybe it’s just a numbers game (?) Be that as it may I gathered a few of my friends I made this year and began my night~

I’m not the best event planner I just try to keep things simple but even then there can be some snags…I told my friends to meet me up for dinner at 6:30. Everyone showed up around 7…I guess that’s ‘Korean’ time for you or is it Asian time? I was a bit peeved that these guys would show up late but what can I do when their excuse was ‘to get my cake?’ I forgave them and we had dinner. After dinner we took the cake and went to a nearby coffee shop of my choosing. Lo and behold there was a special room just for ME. (I am kidding, apparently it’s a room used for special events ie birthdays)

My friends sang a wonderful tune of “Happy Birthday” first in English and the parts that they didn’t know they continued in Korean! lol 😀 Oh and the friends I invited to dinner were Tiger, Sean, and uh Jaguar (he’s basically our chauffeur). Now since everyone present was a ‘health guy’ (health in this case means fitness center) we only shared 1 bottle of beer amongst ourselves. The REAL party (ie drinking) would begin much later hah ha h..I think this was the first time I had ever experienced a birthday party with a cake and friends singing for me since like…ever? I won’t go into the details but yeah…most definitely the first time in Korea!

I had a friend from Seoul come visit me too. We’ll call him Dandy and I met him through Tiger, they are neighborhood buds since from ever~ Dandy started the drinking festivities by making me a ‘birthday shot.’ The only time I had ever experienced a ‘birthday’ shot was on my 21st bday way back in Austin, Texas. It was pretty awful tasting but it sure got me drunk quick. I was in no way prepared for what was coming up. The alcohol choices in our drinking place weren’t too varied and so Dandy had to improvise, Korean-style. I won’t go into detail but there was an awful lot of mixing of various things and not all of it was alcohol…

My head was banging the rest of the night, I hadn’t drank so much alcohol I think all year! Ah well, it was my special One day of the year so I’ll be alright. My birthday fell on a Friday this year and in the Korean mispronunciation it sounds like ‘Fly’ day. Time wasn’t the only thing flying that day thats FOR SURE.

Here are some pics. Jaguar wasn’t looking very presentable but what’s new? I was a bright red tomato all night and I didn’t give a fock hehe. Saturday was spent with a special person. Sunday I am busy recovering for the workweek ahead~

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O genki desu ka~

Hello dear readers (I know you’re out there!..somewhere~)

It’s already the end of November and suffice it to say that I haven’t done much. Either that or I’ve done things that can’t be shared with the interworld aka you guys 😉

I’m doing pretty well. Thanksgiving passed without much incident (well, they don’t really celebrate it here in Korea so…)I just got me some chicken ‘burger’ from McDonalds and had a few drinks with a friend (my friend didn’t drink b/c he’s a sensible driver!) Oh I’d like to mention 11.11.11 aka Pepero Day aka ‘once in a millenium day!’

That is all..there I mentioned it, hah hah

I got back into going to the gym again, it’s become a part of my weekly, and weekDAY schedule. My goal as mentioned previous is just to ‘lose fat’ and so yeah, hopefully becoming stronger, healthier, more lean will be a nice side effect 🙂 On a related note: I feel like I go to sleep much better and sleep more soundly after I work out. This good feeling is kind of addicting! hehe

I’ve been growing out my mustache this month of Movember, now that November is coming to an end, I will go back to being clean-shaved. I’ll share the pics right before I shave (which isn’t gonna be today) so yall will just have to wait!

My birthday is coming up soon, I’m mentioning this now because I may or may not write about what I do on my birthday (aka maybe more top-secret, ninja stuff will go down~) I’m sure my birthday will also pass without incident, although I may/possibly/get drunk? 😀

That’s all for now~thanks for reading!

My father

Well this weekend was super-packed and eventful. Friday-Sunday just flew by! To recap on Friday, I had planned on just chilling at home when my friend Jaguar invited me to go to his home in Ilsan (I guess this would be a ‘suburb’ outside of Seoul). I deliberated a bit and then decided to go. What a good choice I made! Ilsan is a quite lively place! Friday night I was feeling a bit ‘down’ and I wanted to get drunk (or just enjoy some drinks). Now Jaguar, being the health-freak (I’m using ‘health’ in the Korean definition in this case ‘fitness’) does NOT drink. But, being the pal he is he said he would provide me company and drink ONE beer while I got plastered (haha jk~) We went to a bar that Jaguar knew called ‘Siesta.’ Interesting name for an interesting bar. The interior struck me as being pretty high-class and the prices for drinks only confirmed it. On a side note; we also got a really cute/hot/attractive barkeep to keep us company! I was never so nervous as I was that night in a bar that’s for sure~~Anyways we had our drinks (Jaguar kept a good 1:4 ratio with me, he only had like half a beer…) and I had a great time. (Maybe it was due to there being an attractive girl at the bar but I wasn’t getting drunk that night AND I didn’t give a damn! :D)

We ended up back at Jag’s place around 5am and stealthily sneaked into his home because as Jaguar puts it “My father does not like to have his sleep interrupted..” I nodded along and quickly got into my ‘shinobi-mode’ and went to sleep. The next morning I was introduced to Jag’s mom. She is quite the tall lady (or I’m just short 😦 ) We had a GREAT late lunch with various side dishes I won’t even begin to try to name but trust me they were good OH and we had really good Honeydew melon and grapes (The melon was seriously seriously tasted like honey, OMG I wanna eat it againnn *wipes drool*)

Jag had to get a haircut and so we went back to ‘downtown’ Ilsan, a place called “La Festa” (Notice the Spanish usage here? Yeah, very good I know 🙂 It was so PACKED full of people and lots and lots of let’s just say..eye candy heh heh. (but gdamn these girls are TALL!! what the heck do they EAT??) I accompanied Jag while he got his hair done at ‘Juno Hair’ (a popular and EXPENSIVE hair franchise in Korea) afterwards I had to bounce because I had to attend my friend Justin’s bday party extravabananza in Apgujeong. On the subway to Apgujeong (it’s on the same line as Ilsan!) I took some ‘secret stuff’ to help me better deal with the amount of alcohol I knew I would have to drink and thought happy thoughts about the possible ‘eye candy’ in Apgujeong. You see, Apgujeong apparently is where all the ‘rich’ folks and couples go to ‘play’ aka hang out. Also the best plastic surgeons in Korea reside here and so uh well, I’m sure their clients come here too 😉 *wink wink. At last I made it to Apgujeong but maybe because either a) It was still too early in the night or b) It was too late in the day that I didn’t see as much eye candy as I had hoped. Ah well, better luck next time~

I attended Justin’s birthday get together and I got drunk. The end.

Hahaha got you! 😛 I ended up staying up all night to catch the first subway back to my town which I thought was at 5am but instead on Sundays its at 5:40, but then once I got ON the sub didn’t take off until 5:45. WTF!!! I was supremely tired when I got into bed around 7:30am…I slept until I heard my phone ring around noon and it was my dad telling me that he was on his way. I proceeded to get up, drink some water, and fell right back to sleep until 1:30 when my phone rang again…

Finally after almost 2 years I met my dad again. He hadn’t changed much except his hair was unnaturally black, I commented on this and yes he told me he had started dying it black. (I remember him having a some white hairs back in Texas) My dad was accompanied by his old friend and high school classmate Jung Ui Taek 정의택. Mr. Jung told me he and my dad were basically like ‘brothers’ and so that made Mr. Jung basically my ‘uncle’ aka 삼촌 (sahm chon) heh.

We talked the usual yakity yak and then proceeded to Soyang Dam which is pretty damn big (hehe don’t mind me~)
Here’s a picture for your viewing pleasure

Damn big dam!

After that we had a late lunch/early dinner of my town’s specialty 닭길비 aka chicken galbi (ribs) and 막국수 (noodles). After getting some food (I was effing starving!) we headed to a scenic coffee shop called Santorini on the nearby Gubong-san (san means mountain). Santorini has in my opinion, the best view of my city. You can clearly see the building and such landscape from here. Oh here’s another picture…

You can see the city in the background, it looks even better even later!





I apologize for my poor state of fashion-ness. I didn’t get much sleep, hadn’t showered and was in a rush today.

Meeting a new ‘Uncle’ was a pleasant experience as well. He’s an interesting dude and he told me interesting things about my dad in his younger years. While I always respected my dad, that respect was tied to the fear I had of him. Now, the fear is gone and only the respect remains. Oh and apparently my father was quite ‘popular with the ladies’ back in the day, heh I respect that (highly!).

I didn’t get to spend much time with dad today but it was short and sweet and not at all unpleasant (well getting up was unpleasant though hah). I hope my dad makes a full recovery and enjoys the rest of his stay in Korea. He tells me that he would like to live in Korea someday and while the old ‘me’ would have shuddered at the thought; I’m now quite nonchalant about the matter. It would be nice for him to get back to his roots and meet up his old friends and etc. I guess I’ve grown up a bit (not physically though 😉 )

That’s all folks~hope you enjoyed reading my blog as much I enjoyed writing it!!


October – Fall classic

So it’s October now. I’m not normally a baseball fan but my hometown Texas Rangers are in the World Series! WOOT! The NBA is in a lockout unfortunately and the Dallas Cowboys are doing pretty poorly so Yay go Rangers!!

That’s all I’ll touch on with sports.

This post will be more rambling from me as I only have about 10 minutes to write it.

  • It’s almost 0 degrees C these days, I’m damn cold!
  • I’m still nervous around girls.
  • I am eagerly awaiting my paycheck..
  • I need to go shopping for clothes…
  • Tuesdays are my worst day at work, 1st graders are so hard to deal with!
  • (related) if I don’t have a crappy Monday, then Tuesday will come back to bite me.
  • Started hitting the gym again, put in a good 45 mins, my body is not liking me this morning…
  • I am still too sensitive about things.
  • Started reading again although it is an e-book.
  • My Korean language ability goes up and down depending on my mood.
  • I don’t like ‘fake’ people but I think I’m becoming ‘faker’ everyday.
  • I need to set some goals…
  • I am awkward and weird and maybe a bit pushy.
  • My mood fluctuates throughout the day.
  • I don’t want/need your pity.
  • Alcohol is good in small doses. Although going on a binge is sometimes called for~
  • I wonder what I’ll be doing in 1 months time?

Cruel Angel’s Thesis

Hey guys.

So I would like to share some of the things I’ve learned in my life and probably realized I knew these things while being here in Korea.

  1. Classical Music is good in small doses, too much can be sensory overload.
  2. They say that washing your face with cold water is better for your skin. Now I don’t know the science but here’s my thinking on this reasoning. Warm water opens up your pores, cold will do the opposite. Therefore you wash with cold water to make sure your pores stay shut while rinsing off the gunk on your face.
  3. I need to go to Europe one day…
  4. I’m a negative person period
  5. I wished I still had a violin.
  6. I am weak at drinking alcohol.
  7. My religious views: ??

There you have it~

(i wonder what i am doing now)

More about me – Secret Obsessions.

So I decided to skip going to the gym again. I’m feeling a little under the weather these days, the climate suddenly dropped about 10 degrees C within a day/night and I guess this is causing my nose to cry (err sniffle).

I may have mentioned previously but living in Korea has changed me. I’ve lost considerable weight since I’ve been here, enough for students to be shocked or amazed when I show them how I looked during my graduation photos. To be specific I’ve lost around 5-6 kg. I can attest that I feel lighter and I fit better into my clothes. It seems Korean clothes were designed just for me! Especially regarding jeans and the like, the fashion in Korea is top-notch in my humble opinion. Maybe it’s due to the different diet I’m eating these days or going to the gym (once in a blue moon~) but I feel a lot healthier now then I ever did in Texas.

Anyways I had to do a lot of shopping in Korea due to the clothes I brought with me are ‘too big’ to wear in public. (I basically use all my american clothes to work out in haha or use as cleaning cloths). I’ve learned a thing or two about fashion I hope and am learning more about myself in the process. Then again, I didn’t have the disposable income I currently enjoy.

Now I guess it’s time I let you in on one of my ‘secret obsessions.’ I’m sure all of yall got some but just won’t admit it…but today I will unveil for the very first time something you prolly didn’t know bout me*!

*drumroll please!*

I’m obsessed with shoes.

*end drumroll*

Whew, now that’s a weight off my chest! ha…ha..ha. (what were yall expecting something a lot more juicier?)

I never used to think about shoes back home. For the most part, I never really ‘bought’ shoes, they were usually bought for me whenever I had outgrown my old ones and I couldn’t really choose them either..maybe that’s why this ‘s.o.’ of mine is a rather new occurrence so I guess it would be perfectly logical to assume that nobody not even I would be an obsession. (I guess I’m trying to say that this is also a ‘recent’ obsession, hmm r.s.o? 🙂
This all goes back to living in Korea, my style knowledge meter has gone up a few points and I now consider my footwear more. Footwear technology has progressed a lot since I was a kid and I never ever knew about it 😦 Shoes these days are not only highly functional, comfortable but look damn good too! Now trying to be a ‘smart’ shopper (hehe Samsung’s ads for smartphones/devices have a slogan of ‘How to live smart’) I guess living smart means buying Samsung? I degress…Anyhow, when I purchase something I want it to have good utility, durability, and appearance all while costing reasonable. I made a purchase of ‘running shoes’ called Lunarglide 3 from Nike. (I was always given Reeboks that looked god-awful and cheap and so I tend to stick to Nike in my adult life) These boys cost me a pretty penny, 135,000 won to be exact. I don’t know what the current exchange rates are but this is still my 2nd most expensive possession on me (the first being my smartphone! thanks samsung!)

Here’s a picture of these AWESOME shoes.

These badboys feel so GOOD!

I think these shoes fit my criteria listed above well I had to make myself a ‘reason’ to justify the cost a little bit..Anyways these shoes are SUPER light and make me feel so lightweight like a feather or something. I basically wear these anytime I’m not at work and not at home (because wearing shoes in my home is a no-no, but slippers may suffice ;))

Why the heck am I talking about shoes today? Well, first because it’s one of my r.s.o’s that I wanted to share and second because I was actually looking up shoes on the interweb and decided to blog about it.

Oh another nifty thing is that apparently this specific color (which I have) is sold out in Korea. Other colors (one maybe?) have since come out but my colors the best. (The new color I saw says unisex but I think it’s girly – just mixing the colors sky blue and pink don’t make something unisex, it’s more like uni-mpliedsex.) I considered myself lucky when I was able to snag these early one morning. I’d also like to add a note that my friend Tiger recommended I buy these. Apparently he wanted to get the Nike Lunarglide 2’s but they were sold out and he got the Lunar Eclipse instead (which also looks real good!) I being the gentle, docile, and jealous fellow I am decided to heed his advice and bought my Lunarglide 3’s maybe a week or so after they launched. I felt a little pride once I found out that my specific color was hard to find in Korea, hehe. Oh and speaking of my good friend and pal Tiger…he got a girlfriend and afterwards he dropped off the face of the earth I mean Korea. It’s a common story and it could happen to anyone without a significant other. One jealousy was extinguished and another was ignited in my heart…

Regardless, being in Korea has given me disposable income for the first time and I am loving the freedom and power that brings. However, (as a wise uncle once said) “with great power comes even greater responsibility” and now that I’ve bought these shoes, I’m going to have a eat some more 라면 (rah myun aka instant noodle, ramen). Since started working out on-off again, I’ve cut my 라면 eatage considerably. I eat it 1-2 a month now, it used to be 1-2 times a week!

I guess this secret obsession is a lot better than say, secretly being an alcoholic or gambler. My problem is I do everything and so I had to dip into my savings a little bit these past few months. (to clear any possible confusion, no I am NOT an alcoholic or gambler, except on holidays 😛

Thanks for reading guys (and gals~)




Foodie food special!

Hello dear readers and fans (I know yall are out there!..somewhere 🙂 )

As per my last post (which I didn’t realize didn’t get published until right now but whatever~) I spent my Chuseok holiday with my relatives in Korea! To be specific, I visited relatives living in the Gyeonggi province (or Gyeonggi-do as they say in Korea). I had a good 4-5 day weekend and all I did was eat, sleep, and repeat (with some family gambling mixed in here and there – don’t worry guys I lost money hehe)

Anyways this was my first time to really ‘celebrate’ Chuseok in Korea. Now what does that entail? Well basically Chuseok and Lunar New Years are known as 명절 (myung jul) in Korea, don’t ask me what the translation is cuz I don’t know. These two times of the year are the only times when the entire (and in my case extended) family get together to eat and talk and enjoy each others’ company. There are also specific foods prepared for these special occasions. First is 송편 (song pyun) a delectable rice cake dessert-type item that is made with sesame seeds. (Yum!) Also my favorite type of meat BEEF is prepared as well. Marinated beef ribs or 갈비찜 (galbi jjim), spicy beef stew 육개장 (yook geh jang) and of course a ‘national representative food of Korea’ (if you will) 불고기 (BULGOGI!) I had all of the above except for the beef ribs because to prepare it takes a lot of work or 손 (sohn – aka hands). We also make and eat a variety of 전 (juhn aka Korean pancakes) some vegetable 전 and my very favorite kind called 동그랑땡 (dong guh lang ddeng) which is like dumplings except they’re round and have BEEF!! (I really like beef :P)

Oh and we can’t have holidays without alcohol and so I enjoyed some of that as well including 막걸리 (mak guhl lee aka the Korean version of sake except its better because I say so) and 맥주 (mek joo aka beer). Oh I forgot another thing everyone does when we get together and that’s watch tv.

I also would like to mention that I helped make 전 and collected some ingredients, namely pine leaves to make 송편 (pine leaves are steamed with the rice cakes to give that oh so pleasant aroma and feel ^^)

I feel super recharged and well rested and also super duper fat after doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and repeating for 3 days straight. Haha it seems like September will fly by in no time what with a students’ field trip coming up as well as midterms. I think I will just glide into October!

Here are some pics of the various food dishes oh that reminds me about 잡채 (jahp cheh) a really good noodle dish with various veggies and BEEF!

enjoy and let your mouth water~ 😉

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